Sunday, July 5, 2009

use to feng shui your home

Hi my friends,

I just used tool to audit my house. It was a great experinces for me and my family. You should try it.

I feel full of energy now. I can kill a tiger.


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 1)

How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 1)

Fyling Star Feng Shui is based on the concept that Feng Shui influences change over time. The stars on the Luo Shu square move according to the Age, Year, Month and Day.

The first step before setting out is to collect some background information.

Step 1 : Identify the period

Time concept

Determine the reigning period based on the year the house was completed and ready for occupation. Each period consists of 20-year span, taking a total of 180 years to complete one full cycle.

Period 6 - from 5th. Feb. 1964 to 3rd. Feb. 1984

Period 7 - from 4th. Feb. 1984 to 3rd. Feb. 2004

Period 8 - from 4th. Feb. 2004 to 3rd. Feb. 2024

Period 9 - from 4th. Feb. 2024 to 3rd. Feb. 2044
Step 2: Finding the direction of the main door.
Every house or apartment building has a sitting and a facing direction and in most cases, we can intuitively diffrentiate them. The facing is usually the side with allow the maximum qi energy into your house.
How to determine which site allow the most qi energy? First, you must remember that we all bring in the most qi energy into the house when we walk through the main door.
Then, using an accurate compass that the degree of reading standing inside the house facing out at the main door. Take down the direction for example facing 126 degree facing South East. South East is further divided into 3 sections ie. SE1, SE2 and SE3.
Step 3: Birth Chart Configuration
Having established the direction of a building it is facing, we can then measure it more accurately with a Lo Pan and record the direction bearings.
On the basis of the Age of the house and its direction it faces , we may now draw up a feng shui chart in the nine square format.
Assuming your house was built in the year 1985, that put it in the period of 7. Hence place the number 7 in the centre of the Luo Shu Grid. The remaining eight numbers are then positioned based on the flight sequence of the Luo Shu diagram. Please refer to flight sequence from article 1 The base chart changes with time.
The small numbers on the left is called Mountain star, it influences human halth and harmony. The mountain star should fall in a solid, high, enclosed and preferably quiet locations such as bedrooms inside a house
The numbers on the right are called 'water stars' also known as the facing stars and govern wealth and prosperity. These small numbers move in the same pattern as the Lo shu diagram. In general, one should note that a prosperous water star is best found in a mobile, fluid or active location, such as the front entrance, the living room and the open spaces of the building.
The essential item to note is the location of the main entrance, as all good or bad influences come through the front door.Equally essential is the location of the master bedroom which very much affects the health and prosperity of the entire household.
In general there are four types of Fyling Star charts.
On mountain on water
Up mountain down water
Double stars in front
Double star behind
In order to make it easy for all readers, provide a Flying Star plus 8 mansion Ba Gua tool that help identify the quality of your home in term of geomancy. Click here for the tool Flying Star Chart
Advance charts are also available for example ; 7 Star robbery (Triangular formation) and Duplicating water star (forward).
* Stay tuned for part 2 on "How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong"
courtesy from and many thanks to Jimmy Yap Siew Wui

Monday, June 22, 2009

How to apply Flying Star Feng Shui-Xuan Kong (Part 5)

Dear all friends and readers,

How to read a proper Feng Shui Lou Pan.

You now need to know how to use a lou pan to take the necessary basic readings needed for the Flying Star Feng Shui. Regardless you are lucky to have a good luo pan, made one yourself, or have a hiking compass, you have to get familiar with it. The following instructions apply to a proper lou pan. If you are using a trekking compass, skim down until you find the those instructions instead.

How to read a tradition luo pan.

How to find out, for example, which direction the front door or your house faces? First stand inside just about 1-2 feet facing directly your front door, hold the lou pan level with both hand. If necessary, place one edge of the square outer plate of the compass firmly againt the wooden door. Using your thumbs, turn the disk slowly till the needles lines up with the line on the bottom of the well. Look closely at the figure below. Make sure that the end of the needle with the bulge lines up between the two dots on the bottom of the well (see figure).

If you find this all a bit wobbly, then place the compass on a wooden support at waist level. Do not use a tripod that is made of magnetic metal, as this will severly distort the accuracy of your reading.

Make sure you are holding the whole compass level; more sophisticated lou pan from Taiwan often incorporate spirit levels so that you can be sure that they are perfectly level.

Now look at the crosshairs. Look along the crosshair to the part closer to the door. When it crosses the ring of the 24 Mountains, this is your facing direction. You sitting direction is always the part closer to you and always exactly opposite the facing direction.

How to read a trekking compass Stand with your back to the door.

Hold the compass level and steady.

  • If it is a simple compass, turn it till the needle head points to north. Read the number of degrees at the point furthest away from the door. This is the facing bearing.
  • If it is a sophisticated military compass with a sight, look out from the door at the point directly in front of the door. Read off the number of degrees. This is the facing bearing.

The the facing bearing and look it up in the following table. Read off the facing direction. For example a facing of 94 degrees would yield a facing direction of Mao.

S1 157.6°-172.5° RenBing 壬丙 Kan house 坎宅
S2 172.6°-187.5° ZiWu 子午 Kan house 坎宅
S3 187.6°-202.5° GuiDing 癸丁 Kan house 坎宅
SW1 202.6°-217.5° ChouWei 丑未 Gen house 艮宅
SW2 217.6°-232.5° GenKun 艮坤 Gen house 艮宅
SW3 232.6°-247.5° YinShen 寅申 Gen house 艮宅
W1 247.6°-262.5° JiaGen 甲庚 Zhen house 震宅
W2 262.6°-277.5° MaoYou 卯酉 Zhen house 震宅
W3 277.6°-292.5° YiXin 乙辛 Zhen house 震宅
NW1 292.6°-307.5° ChenXu 辰戌 Xun house 巽宅
NW2 307.6°-322.5° XunQian 巽乾 Xun house 巽宅
NW3 322.6°-337.5° SiHai 巳亥 Xun house 巽宅
N1 337.6°-352.5° BingRen 丙壬 Li house 离宅
N2 352.6°-7.5° WuZi 午子 Li house 离宅
N3 7.6°-22.5° DingGui 丁癸 Li house 离宅
NE1 22.6°-37.5° WeiChou 未丑 Kun house 坤宅
NE2 37.6°-52.5° KunGen 坤艮 Kun house 坤宅
NE3 52.6°-67.5° ShenYin 申寅 Kun house 坤宅
E1 67.6°-82.5° GenJia 庚甲 Tui house 兑宅
E2 82.6°-97.5° YouMao 酉卯 Tui house 兑宅
E3 97.6°-112.5° XinYi 辛乙 Tui house 兑宅
SE1 112.6°-127.5° XuChen 戌辰 Qian house 乾宅
SE2 127.6°-142.5° QianXun 乾巽 Qian house 乾宅
SE3 142.6°-157.5° HaiSi 亥巳 Qian house 乾宅

The sitting direction is found by adding 180 degrees to the facing. If more than 360, instead substract 180 from your facing bearing. This will give you the sitting direction. In this above example 94 + 180 = 274 degress. Upon looking it up you can see that the Sitting if You.

Special Lou Pan reading consideration

Magnetic interference. This is often indicated by the needle swinging backward and forward a lot before settling down. It is usually caused by the presence of metal or electrical items.

Special thanks to

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dining Area DOs & DON'Ts article from

Dining Area DOs & DON'Ts

The dining area is where the membersand friends of the family gather togther for meals and conversations. It plays a quite important role in feng shui.

  1. have good lightning and ventilation.
  2. have a large mirror on one wall. Warning: Do not put mirror facing 5 ghost sectors 五鬼. To check where is your 5 ghost 五鬼 sector Click here
  3. be located at your Tian Yi sector.
  4. have a dining table shape as according to support your bazi.

Main door facing any sha qi or open into any wrongfully features inside the house will bring bad feng shui into the house.

The dining area should not

  1. in an open area.near the main door.
  2. odd shape dining table.
  3. overhead beams on top across your dining table.
  4. lower than the entrance.

Thanks wo and to its founder Mr. Jimmy Yap Siew Wui


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Foretelling the sex of baby during pregnancy at

The predication chart

The chart system used here to predict the sex of a baby in pregnancy was invented in Qing dynasty, and has a history of more tha 300 years. It was derived from Yin Yang binary opposites, 5 elements and the 8 trigrams, so its predication was said to be highly accurate. Yet, during this ancient period, it was kept as secret by eunuchs in the forbidden royal palace and was only shows to certain noble members and concubines.

By late Qing dynasty, the dynasty was in turmoil. The 8-nation alliance entered China as a united military force. They conquered the state capital and they raped, killed and kidnapped many people. The prediction chart was robbed together with many precious items. It was taken abroad and presented to the royal families. The royal families kept the table to themselve and used it accordingly until it was disclosed later. Then, it was brought to Austria and owned by a professor.

In general, 52% of the total number are baby girls, and the younger the woman gets pregnant, the higher the chance she'll give birth to a baby boy.As sexism was very common in ancient China, it was not suprise that most woman got married at the age of 17.

Thus, if you are interested, you can plan your life accordingly for the highest probability of conceiving a baby boy or girl as you wish.

Click here to go direct


Foretelling the sex of baby during pregnancy - coming soon

The feng shui chart

The chart system used here to find out the feng shui of one's house of office.
It very easy and straight forward.

You just need to provide

  1. The facing of your house (get a compass)
  2. The period of your house (when your house was built or last major renovated)
  3. Go to
  4. Key in the info.
  5. See your score

Coming to you next week is "Foretelling the sex of baby during pregnancy using an ancient feng shui."

Hope your enjoy yourself.


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Chinese fengshui and astrology

Over the past 20 years I have being practicing feng shui and astrology . Learn wherever and whenever I can. I always trust I can help people.

Currently I am working on how to make life easier on those when to follow and use feng shui. Checking a house or office's feng shui is very very easy now. You only need 2 thing.
  1. Facing direction of your main door. Exact facing for example facing West 270 degree.
  2. Period of the house, office etc. The period here meants when your house was build or major renovated. Or when ownership changed. Or when you change your cooking stove (for residential) , when you change your company logo (for office).

I created a system where you can put in the above 2, and see your score. Some houses favor wealth, favor health or favor both wealth and health. But some bad house (in term of feng shui) are both bad for wealth and health. Try to avoid these houses.


Jim Yap

Founder of